What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine, single-use, sterile needles into specific locations to activate the flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. Qi is often described as an “energy” or “life force”, however, Qi can be more easily understood as the physiological processes and movements that take place in the body to maintain normal function. When these movements are disrupted, broken, or absent, dysfunction and disease can occur. An acupuncturist only selects points for treatment after a thorough exam and history. The history, signs, and symptoms of each patient create a Chinese medicine pattern which in turn determines where the needles are utilized. 

What can acupuncture treat?

Our acupuncturists specialize in the care of musculoskeletal injuries. They use a combination of traditional acupuncture techniques and Orthopedic Acupuncture, which utilizes specific points in and around muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to treat dysfunctional movement patterns.

They also specialize in the treatment of:

·      Acute and chronic pain

·      Headaches and migraines

·      OB/GYN and women’s health

·      Digestive disorders

·      Insomnia

·      Stress-related disorders

·      Men’s and women’s urogenital and reproductive disorders.

If your aliment isn’t listed, it doesn’t mean we can’t be helpful! Give us a call or send an email to one of our acupuncturists, Meghan: meghan@wellnessinmotionboston.com to learn if acupuncture fits for your needs.

Meet our Acupuncturists


Meghan Meade, L.Ac., DTCM, MAOM, MS PREP, CYT, Brookline offices

Having suffered from anxiety, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and exercise-induced repetitive stress injuries throughout her adolescence and twenties, Meghan first sought out acupuncture as a last ditch effort to salvage some semblance of health and sanity during a particularly stressful period in her life. It worked. Remarkably well. So palpable was the influence of acupuncture on her well being that she was compelled to leave a career in advertising to study Chinese medicine so that she could help others benefit from its effects.

Meghan earned her doctoral degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, a masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) and a masters degree in Pain Research, Education, and Policy from Tufts University Medical School. She is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine and is a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

In her clinical practice Meghan integrates both Eastern and Western perspectives to provide treatments unique to each patient’s needs, and endeavors to empower patients to move forward on their paths to not just feeling good, but feeling like their true selves.

To schedule with Meghan, please call our Brookline office at 617 505 6742

Insurances Accepted by Meghan:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Harvard Pilgrim

  • Aetna

  • Mass General Brigham (formally Allways)

  • Humana

For more information, please visit www.meghanmeadeacu.com.

Lei Ann Resurreccion, Lic.Ac, MAOM, Concord and Cambridge offices

Lei Ann was born and raised in Hawaii, but has lived in the Boston area for the past 30 years. She graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 2005, receiving her dual concentration Masters degree in Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine with a certificate in Japanese acupuncture.

She is also a NCCAOM Diplomate of Acupuncture and holds a Bachelors of Science in Human Physiology from Boston University. Lei Ann has a special interest in orthopedics and sports medicine issues, chronic aches and pain, as well as stress-related disorders.

Insurances accepted by Lei Ann:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Mass General Brigham

  • Harvard Pilgrim

  • Aetna

Dr. Malik Mahmud, DAcCHM, L.Ac, Downtown and Back Bay offices

Dr. Malik Mahmud has been a competitive runner for over fifteen years and ran Track & Field and Cross Country for Butler University primarily focusing on middle-distance events. At Butler, he studied Psychology and Mandarin Chinese, a combination that would later contribute to his interest in East Asian Medicine and Philosophy. Post-collegiately he has continued to train towards his goals in the sport and maintain a healthy lifestyle of which exercise has been a major component. Running has been an outlet for Dr. Mahmud and has taught him many life lessons on hard work and dedication to his craft.

During his running career, Dr. Mahmud dealt with injuries and setbacks thus having to explore many different approaches to healing. Through this journey, he found Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine and it completely changed the way he approached running, injuries, and recovery. The holistic approach of East Asian Medicine provided him with a new perspective on athletics in general and motivated him to eventually focus his Doctorate work on the sport of Running and the use of East Asian Medicine to improve one's running. Not only has this medicine provided extremely effective and practical ways to improve recovery and healing, but the philosophy around the medicine has brought Dr. Mahmud a deeper appreciation and reverence for the sport. Outside of running, Dr. Mahmud enjoys roller skating, disc golf, spending time with friends, learning new languages and exploring new places in nature.

In addition to treating pain associated with active musculoskeletal and sports-related injuries, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine are wonderful ways to support one's overall health picture inclduing digestion, sleep, headaches and mood (to name a few) with an overarching goal of bringing patients back to a place of balance and comfort in their bodies.

In addition to the study of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine during Dr. Mahmud's training in East Asian Medicine, he studied the practice of Shiatsu massage, a Japanese-based form of bodywork. This is a form of bodywork similar to acupressure in which the acupoints are stimulated with the hands, thumbs, and other parts of the body. As a runner, combining Acupuncture with massage has been an extremely effective method for Dr. Mahmud in his recovery and healing process from past injuries. With strong influence from his mentor, both a Shiatsu practitioner and Acupuncturist, Dr. Mahmud has developed a style of treatment involving massage and Acupuncture which have proven to work wonders in concert with each other.

Dr. Mahmud earned his Doctorate degree in Acupuncture with a Specialization in Chinese Herbal Medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM). He is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine and is a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

Insurances Accepted by Malik:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Mass General/Brigham (formerly Allways)

  • Harvard Pilgrim

Dr. Jill Deveau, L.Ac, Lynnfield Office

Dr. Jill Deveau received her doctorate of chiropractic degree and masters of acupuncture degree concurrently at New York Chiropractic College and Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture. Dr. Deveau graduated from the Commonwealth honors program with a Major in psychology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She also obtained admittance into Psi Chi: The International Honor Society for Psychology. She has spent many hours in inpatient and outpatient settings, including Monroe Community Hospital In Rochester NY, a 500 bed long term care facility focusing on neurological disorders.

Dr. Deveau  has a deep commitment to patient-centered care as well as ‘the mind/body connection’ and it is her dual degree and understanding of East/West medicine which allows her to be a strong health care advocate for her patients. It is her goal that her patient’s always feel ‘listened to’ and are heard.

Before joining Wellness In Motion Boston Dr. Deveau had private practices in Denver, Colorado and Honolulu, Hawaii treating a variety of ailments to include back and neck pain, sprains strains, anxiety issues, sleep issues, headaches, sports injuries, digestive disorders, morning sickness, stress; just to name a few. 

Rerooting back to Massachusetts where Dr. Deveau was born and raised and joining the Wellness in Motion team is a true dream for Dr. Deveau. The multidisciplinary aspect of Wellness in Motion was more In tune with Dr. Deveau’s dual degree in acupuncture and chiropractic and the ability to work with various skilled practitioners to offer patients a true holistic health care approach is at the center of Dr. Deveau’s philosophy of true wellness.

In her free time Dr. Jill (as her patients call her) enjoys skiing, all things culinary, taking her airedale terrier out for adventures, spinning, trying new exercise routines, and gardening (esspecially English roses).

Dr. Deveau is currently awaiting acceptance to the insurance panels and accepting patients at our out-of-pocket rates.

Spencer Greene, DTCM, LAc, Downtown office

Spencer Greene has a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is Licensed as an Acupuncturist and Herbalist in the state of Massachusetts. He has been practicing since 2017 and has practiced and studied in hospitals in both the United States and in China. He recently worked for Tom Brady’s performance and recovery center treating professional and collegiate athletes, as well as anybody who wanted to grow healthier. Spencer uses mostly acupuncture and herbal medicine for the people that he works with. He frequently treats pain, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, and women's health. 

Spencer’s approach to clinical work is about being a guide first and foremost: by helping people navigate their illness and finding a path to greater health. Spencer loves people and enjoys getting to know each person that he has the chance to work with.

Insurances accepted by Spencer:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Mass General Brigham

What to expect during your appointment

Depending on your chief complaint, your new appointment will last anywhere from 60-75 minutes with follow up appointments lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour. The number and location of needles inserted will vary each appointment and may including electrical stimulation. We use incredibly fine needles so needle insertion is often painless. It does not resemble the sensation you’d feel with the hypodermic needles used to administer injections.

Cost and Insurance Coverage

Our acupuncture services may be covered through your insurance. If it is, we can provide you a treatment receipt to be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

·      New Patient Visits: $125.00

***If you are an existing chiropractic patient at WIMB, you will receive a discounted New Patient Visit of $100.00.

·      Follow up Visits: $90.00

Updated Cancellation Policy
November 1st, 2024


  • 24 Hours notice required

  • Full Cash Rate Fee if appointment cancelled within 24 hours

  • No Show/No Call: Full Cash Rate Fee. Patient will not be allowed to schedule future appointments until fee is paid.

***We understand that Emergencies, Bad Weather and Illness do occur, please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment. These cases will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Thank you for your understanding.