Hamstring Rehab and Strengthening
Phase One
Perform the following exercises for 1-2 weeks or until the feel EASY with limited pain.
Plank March
Lying in plank position on the floor with weight on forearms and toes
Alternate raising one leg off the floor
Hold each leg off the floor for 5 seconds
If this is too hard initially, start on all fours and perform exercise as stated above but bringing lifted leg level with pelvis
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Windmill Stretch
Begin standing on involved leg
Raise opposite hand above head and straighten opposite leg
Pivoting at the waist, maintain straight alignment of opposite arm and leg
Bend low back to 90 degrees keeping opposite arm and leg straight
At first you may hold onto wall for balance with same side hand
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Two Legged Hip Lift
Begin lying on back on floor.
Position a chair or bench so that hips and knees can be at 90 degrees with HEELS positioned on chair
Using both legs at first, lift hips off the floor approx. 5 inches
Hold for 3 seconds at top
Slowly lower hips to floor in 3 sec count
Only lower back should touch floor before starting next rep
One must use the heels as opposed to the ball of foot in order to engage hamstring and not glutei.
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Assisted Romanian Dead Lift
Begin standing on involved leg with arms crossed at chest
Opposite knee is slightly bent behind you with toes barely touching ground but providing balance
Hip hinge and bend 45-60 degrees
Maintain arch of low back entire time
You should feel the stretch targeting the upper hamstring where it meets the glutes and sit bone
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Hamstring Curls
Begin bending forward with arms supported on stable surface
Standing on opposite leg, the involved leg wears a 5 pound ankle weight around ankle
Slowly bending and straightening the knee while simultaneously rotating the lower leg in and out
Initially start without an ankle weight
If this feels too easy, use a 5lb. ankle weight or resistance band if you don’t have one
Timing - Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Phase Two
After 2-3 weeks of Phase One, you can transition into the next phase of rehab when these exercises feel EASY. In Phase Two, continue all of Phase One exercises but make modifications to the Romanian Dead Lift and Single Leg Hip Lift. You may also add the Assisted Hamstring Slider:
Romanian Dead Lift
Begin standing on involved leg with arms crossed at chest
Opposite knee is bent and leg is bearing no weight
Hip hinge and bend 45-60 degrees
Maintain arch of low back entire time
If needed hold onto wall for balance at first
You should feel the stretch targeting the upper hamstring where it meets the glutes and sit bone
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Single Leg Dead Lift
Begin lying on back on floor.
Position a chair or bench so that hips and knees can be at 90 degrees with HEELS positioned on chair
Using both legs for first set, lift hips off the floor approx. 5 inches
Hold for 3 seconds at top
Slowly lower hips to floor in 3 sec count
Only lower back should touch floor before starting next rep
Next two sets perform with one heel in contact with chair
The lowering of your hip is just as important as the raising. Go slow through both motions.
3 sets total until fatigue: first with both legs, then 1set with each leg individually. 1 min rest between sets
Assisted Hamstring Sliders
Begin lying on floor on your back
Knees are bent with feet on ground
Place a slider under one foot and bring opposite knee towards chest
Slowly straighten leg positioned on slider till leg is straight and heel is now on slider
Place non-involved foot back on ground and assist with balance as involved leg slowly brings slider back towards glutes
Safely add this exercise into the routine by always dropping non-involved foot down as you bring involved leg back
If you don’t have a slider, you can use a sock on hard wood or a paper plate on carpet
Complete 2 sets of each leg until fatigue. 1 min rest between sets
Phase Three
After 2-3 weeks of Phase Two, you can transition into the next phase of rehab. Continue all of Phase TWO exercises but replacing the Romanian Dead Lift with the Weighted version and the Assisted Hamstring Slider with the Unassisted version. You can also add the following the Exercise Ball Extension:
Weighted Romanian Dead Lift
Begin standing on involved leg with arms crossed at chest
Opposite knee is bent and leg is bearing no weight
Hip hinge and bend 45-60 degrees
Maintain arch of low back entire time
If needed hold onto wall for balance at first
Wear backpack with 20 lbs of additional weight
You should feel the stretch targeting the upper hamstring where it meets the glutes and sit bone
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets
Exercise Ball Extensions
Begin lying on back on floor.
Position a exercise ball so that hips and knees can be at 90 degrees with HEELS positioned on ball
Using both legs, lift hips off the floor engaging your core
Slowly straighten and bend knees keeping heels on ball at all times
Hips remain elevated entire time
One must use the heels as opposed to the ball of foot in order to engage hamstring and not glutei
Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue (quivering) with 1 min rest between sets